In the heart of a bustling city, nestled among the cobblestone streets and historic architecture, there existed a quaint workshop known as Lighting Dear. Founded by Ellis Ho, a passionate artisan with an eye for design and a love for illuminating spaces, Lighting Dear quickly became a beacon of creativity and craftsmanship in the world of custom lighting.
My journey began with a childhood fascination with light and shadow, sparked by the gentle glow of fireflies on warm summer nights. As I grew older, I honed my skills, studying under master craftsmen and experimenting with various techniques to bring my visions to life.
Driven by a desire to create something truly special, I established Lighting Dear®️, a haven where imagination knows no bounds and every fixture tells a story. For us, each project is a labor of love, a chance to forge connections and to make dreams a reality. And so, as the warm glow of our creations continued to brighten the world, Lighting Dear®️ stood as a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and the belief that with a little light, anything is possible.